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Friday, January 3, 2014

The 7-Step Blood Sugar Solution for Reversing Diabesity

You will discover the surprisingly few ingredients you will need to grow healthy and brim with vitality. Here is just a brief outline:

Step 1: Testing. The easiest test for diabesity is the mirror test. Beyond that, there are two critical blood factors that you must be checked and neither one of them is blood sugar. I will tell you exactly what to ask for during your next doctor’s visit.

Step 2. Eat Your Medicine! My 10 Simple Rules for Eating Safely will transform your health and energy beginning in just a matter of days. I will also show you how to make the perfect plate for every meal … how to time your meals … and how you could trigger an amazing change in your health just by avoiding these two foods for two weeks. Try it!

Step 3: Get a Metabolic Tune-Up With Supplements. Widespread nutritional deficiencies play a huge role in diabesity because they slow down metabolism to the point where extra pounds start packing on. I name the supplements you should take, including the weight-loss super fiber that I recommend to each of my diabesity patients.

Step 4. Get Moving and Get Relaxed. You need to move or you will not. Would you rather get your heart pumping one hour a day, or be dead 24 hours a day? Easy choice! I also talk about the critical need for you to find your pause button. Stress makes you fat and relaxing make you think.

Step 5. Get Clean and Go Green. I will show you the four easy habits that will help you flush away toxic overload on a daily basis. What’s more, you will learn the key to avoiding diabesity-triggering toxins in the first place.

Step 6. Get Personal. Functional Medicine is a personalized approach to health, so you must figure out what your body needs and where your imbalances lie. I will provide you with advice that helps you make this program work best for you.

Step 7. Get Healthy Together. Getting support for your journey to health is a critical factor in your lasting success. Working together and supporting each other is strong medicine indeed, so I offer suggestions on building your own support network to ensure your success.

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