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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hair Essentials - 3 Foods for Fabulous Hair

Women spend hundreds of dollars or more in the name of beauty. They buy makeup, skincare products, clothes, jewelry, and shoes hoping to enhance their beauty. We have all seen a woman simply dressed in a pair of jeans, a camisole top, and a touch of make-up who looks stunning. Her look attracted your attention because her hair was shiny and lustrous and her skin radiant. Unfortunately, this look does not come in a bottle or with the latest trendy purchase.

Let me share a personal story. Eight years ago, I was 20 pounds heavier, with a drab complexion and dull hair. I was trying to combat my weight gain with a 60 minute, 5-day-a-week exercise program. I thought it was all about a more intense, longer workout. To illustrate this point further, my husband, and my mother were looking at some pictures from this period in my life when my husband asked my Mom, 'Who's that woman?" It was I the most significant difference between those pictures and now is natural, whole foods.

Real beauty starts on the inside by taking mindful care of your body. Low-quality foods, lack of sleep, poor hydration, and constant stress will age you and mask your natural loveliness. Who would have thought that natural food is the ultimate beauty product. There are many facets to natural beauty but for this article, let us specifically focus on foods that will create shiny, beautiful hair.

Rich, lustrous hair

Hair's natural tendency is to be shiny and lustrous, not dry and dull. It represents our internal condition of health, specifically our digestive and reproductive systems. Healthy hair shows that our ability to digest food and our sexual vitality are strong and healthy," writes Christina Pirello author of the book 'Glow'. Hair reflects the nutrients in our diet. Hair production is primarily produced by protein; however, fat, minerals, and carbohydrates also play a role.

In addition to the specific foods noted below, hair needs a balance of nutrients including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, unrefined oils, proteins, and plenty of water to hydrate and flush out toxins.

Here are three essential foods for healthy locks:

1. Whole grains - Notice I did not say food made with whole grains like bread or pasta. I mean the actual, intact whole grain such as brown rice, quinoa, or millet. Adding grains lowers your cholesterol, which allows your blood to flow freely so it can efficiently and thoroughly feed your hair with nutrients. Whole grains also promote the smooth elimination of waste since fiber prevents the accumulation of toxins in the intestines. Surprisingly, simple carbs like white sugar and white flour actually leach minerals out of your body.

2. Fermented and pickled foods such as soy sauce, tamari, miso, pickled vegetables and sauerkraut all support naturally healthy hair. Fermented foods are rich in living enzymes that ease digestion, fortify the quality of blood nourishing the body and hair, and provide us with essential oils, vitamins, and minerals. Pickled foods stimulate the appetite, improve digestion, and strengthen the digestive tract, which in turn aids the intestines in the process of feeding our hair.

3. Sea vegetables win the award for the most important food to add for maintenance of our hair's health! Not sure, what I am talking about? No problem let me introduce you to one of these gems. An easy sea vegetable to start with is dulse flakes, which can be purchased at your local co-op or health food store. You can easily incorporate these very mild, slightly salty flakes into your hot cereal, soups, or entrees with little or no change in taste.

Sea vegetables are rich in beta-carotene and help prevent the build-up of dead skin cells that can clog the hair follicles and inhibit the growth and health of the hair. They are packed with calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, copper which aids in giving color to our hair, selenium, bromine and more! They are also a key food for preventing premature graying. Eaten on a daily basis, these amazing vegetables are rich in the nutrients most essential for maintaining healthy, shiny hair.

Next time you get the itch to improve your looks with a new product for the outside of you, consider instead visiting your local co-op or health food store. You will not have the guilt of spending too much at a retail store and let us face it, natural, vibrant beauty is not found at the mall.

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